“I have been training for 31 years. Over the years, I developed some physical and mechanical problems with my body that inhibited my training. My doctor recommended a personal trainer who understood human anatomy. I tried and rejected many trainers. I am happy to report that Harold Marreyt, with whom I have been training for over a year, possesses truly excellent qualities for a personal trainer even for those without specific injuries. He is a qualified physiotherapist. In addition, he is an excellent personal trainer, motivating and patient, while reassuring at the same time. His sessions are varied and never exactly the same thing. Harold has a lovely temperament and engaging personality, giving each client the impression that he has all the time in the world to devote to their fitness. I wholeheartedly recommend Harold as a personal trainer.”

“Sinds geruime tijd train ik met veel enthousiasme bij Harold.
Zijn coaching is aangepast aan mijn noden en niveau en houdt rekening met problemen waar ik in het verleden lang mee gesukkeld heb. De workouts zijn gevarieerd en best wel pittig: alle spieren komen aan bod, geen enkele sessie is dezelfde, en daardoor vliegt de tijd voorbij. Harold legt alle oefeningen goed uit en let er nauwgezet op dat ze correct uitgevoerd worden.
Ik deed vroeger ook al wat aan sport in een fitnessclub, maar dankzij Harold weet ik eindelijk hoe ik bepaalde oefeningen juist moet doen, voel ik me fitter en zijn mijn spieren veel sterker geworden.
Harold is een uitermate professionele en gedreven coach die de juiste doeleinden in het oog houdt. Bij Harold ben je in goede handen, ik kan hem zeer aanbevelen!”

I met Harold at the Kinetiek, where I was a regular client due to my fairly serious back problems. Before meeting Harold, whenever I tried to re-start with my physical activities, I ended up again very soon at Kinethiek with the renewed back pain, due to the unprofessional way I was re-introduced to trainings. Once I saw the ad of HM training and as Harold was warmly recommended by my kinetherapist, we started to work together. He learnt me how to make exercises correctly, with a special attention to the needs of my back. I started to train with him under his personal supervision. As time passed and I learnt the correct movements, he provided me with exercises that I could do alone. Slowly I was reintroduced to the world of gym where I can now do individually the exercises he gave me. We still meet occasionally to discuss the progress, modify the programme and get acquanted to the new exercises. Beyond his solid professional assests, he is a real fun guy, he is “très sympa”.

I met Harold about 6 years ago when he treated me for a dislocated shoulder. He was the very first personal trainer I had worked with. After my recovery i asked him to help me lower my fat percentage and build more muscle. He’s knowledge of the human body combined with an amazing training program gave spectacular results for me. I started at 24% bodyfat, badly in shape. With a consistent training and useful tips for nutrition, I was at 15%, still going down. He developed for me a good work ethic that I still use to this day. Whenever I travel abroad for projects and meet other personal trainers, his lessons remain and help me to get a head start. He doesn’t train you just to get fit, he also learns you how to avoid injury and how to move in everyday life. He is also a skilled thai boxer and I enjoyed the learning the basics with him. Great trainer, great experience, great guy.